Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
At CSIA, we have been developing our contract research organization services following the mission of
contributing to people’s health improvement through our support to the Research & Development
activities of healthcare–related companies.
Since that is our corporate social responsibility, we
are taking all the appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the information that we were provided
with, in particular during the management of this information. This policy has been established to protect
the personal information we held. All CSIA staff members carry out their duties in line with it and with a
clear understanding of its importance.
Personal Information Protection Policy
1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We comply with all relevant laws and regulations on personal information protection.
2. Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
We obtain personal information through fair and lawful means and use it only for the purposes for which it was collected. In addition, we follow our own stringent in-house regulations when handling personal information.
3. Management of Personal Information
We take all the necessary security measures to safeguard personal information against unauthorized access, modification or loss.
4. Maintenance and Continuous Improvement of Compliance Program
As we are regularly holding training sessions, all of our staff members understand and they are maintained at a high level of understanding about the importance of personal information protection. We also enforce policies about the appropriate use of this information, and we are continuously reassessing and improving our administrative systems and the management of these systems.
May 11th, 2016
Hiromi Tazawa
Founder of CSIA